Sunsat SO-35

Modes and frequency allocations

Sunsat is currently in Mode B during voice passes and in Mode J during data passes, as indicated by the green coloured frequencies in the table below.

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[19/05/2000] Sunsat now also offers digital services to radio amateurs [30/05/2000] Decoding of Sunsat telemetry [01/02/2001] The End of Sunsat's Functional Life in Orbit

  Uplink Downlink Remarks
Uplink Downlink
Mode J digipeater 145.825 MHz 436.250 MHz
145.900 MHz
Mode J repeater 145.825 MHz 436.250 MHz
Mode B digipeater 436.291 MHz 145.825 MHz
Mode B repeater 436.291 MHz 145.825 MHz
Parrot repeater 145.825 MHz 145.825 MHz
Morse code signal   145.825 MHz
Live PAL video   2.250 GHz
Mode L repeater 1.265 GHz 436.250 MHz
Mode LS transponder 1.265 GHz 2.400 GHz
TABLE 1: Modes and frequency allocations for Sunsat SO-35.  All links are FM, except for the Mode LS transponder.  The up and downlinks of active modes are shown in green.  Modes may be scheduled for special events, if arrangements are made well in advance.